Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Episode 15

Yea! We are finally at the point where the story is completely different from the first series. It's nice to see new characters! I love Miyano Mamoru's voice acting for Ling. ♥ I also find the tiny panda on May Chang's shoulder very adorable.

What's Hot?
I like the new OP (Hologram by NICO Touches the Walls). The sequence is especially cool!

Scar kills yet another alchemist. - Yay! Scar is back in action. I think he looks much more aggressive and angry in this series.

May Chang is saved by Yoki. Even though Scar wants her to leave, she decides to stay on and she even treats his wound using alkahestry, a technique from the country of Xing. - Kawaii panda!

May Chang's bishounen impression of Ed - LOL I bet she will feel disappointed when she sees the real thing.

Hawkeye is on her way home when she’s attacked by Barry the Chopper, who is no match for her pistol skills. - Hawkeye is so cool!

Hawkeye brings him to Mustang. Barry reveals everything he knows about the fifth laboratory and the Philosopher’s Stone. However, Mustang is most interested to know if Barry has anything to do with Hughes’ death. - I wonder what will happen when Mustang meet Envy?

Ed and Al saves Ling Yao. Ling is interested to know more about alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone, but he’s not a user of alkahestry. When Ed and Al try to walk off, Ling summons his two bodyguards to stop them. Ed then questions what Ling plans to do with it. Ling reveals that he wants to find a way to obtain immortality. - Ling seems like an interesting character.

Ed starts fighting with one of the bodyguards while Al battles the other. - Pretty exciting!

Ed is surprised to see that Al can now transmute without a circle, and it makes him a little depressed. - LOL Ed's inferiority complex is getting worse.

I like the new ED (LET IT OUT by Fukuhara Miho) better than the previous.

What's Not?

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